Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Five Minute Meals

Subtitle: Stop reading the crap that comes up when you Google "five minute meals." Those are too general and take at least 20.

This is real, sad-income-household, I-don't-have-a-second-to-myself-but-I-hate-McDonald's cookery. No snobbery here, either; there's nothing wrong with opening a can or two, even if there's no emergency.

No experience cooking? Welcome. I have none either. I just like food, and I spent the last few years learning by trial and error with no guidance other than an inherited Betty Crocker cookbook on "international" food. It taught me well, and I recommend that everyone get a general cookbook like that before they have to cook a meal unassisted for the first time. The most important thing I've learned? The less time spent in the kitchen, the better. That's why I'm big on the five minute meal... I'm too nervous to leave the crock pot on while I'm at work, especially with a hungry kitten in the house.

If you're living alone, work long hours and can't cook to save your life, this blog may be of great help to you. If you work and have children and they're not terribly picky, this may also be of some help. If you're like me and are living alone, work long hours, can't cook to save your life and yet have a significant other who brings a picky and hungry kid over to your disaster of an apartment every other weekend, at least some of this blog may be of some help to you.

Enjoy. If I were to say "bon appetit," that would be a little cliché for me.



  1. I came here to thank you for your lovely comment on Mysterious Letters and now I'm salivating at your sparkling recipes. (I will try one soon.) On top of that, (for whatever it's worth) I think your writing is a delight.

    Cheerio, Michael
